Yoüverlay #228

Stop doing this


About the 'Stop doing this' Yoüverlay

In this Yoüverlay, you're Mouthing the word and using your hands to indicate 'stop' then pointing to 3-5 things to the side, from top to bottom, then shaking your head. Then point to the same 3-5 points while nodding.  You can point to any number of areas of space to your side, which is where you can add text overlays into your graphic design - just be sure to point to the same number of 'do this instead's as people like symmetry!


How to use this Yoüverlay in your marketing graphics


The ‘Stop doing this’ Yoüverlay is a dynamic and engaging way to communicate with your audience, making it a versatile tool for personal branding across various platforms.

Here’s how you can creatively integrate this Yoüverlay into your Instagram posts and website content, tailored to different pages and contexts.

Instagram Posts

  1. Educational Content: Share common mistakes in your industry. Post a carousel where the first image shows you in the ‘Stop doing this’ Yoüverlay with text overlays listing common mistakes (e.g., “Stop making these 5 mistakes in your skincare routine!”). Subsequent images can elaborate on each point with solutions. Caption: “Time to ditch these skincare myths! Swipe left to transform your routine. #SkincareMyths #GlowUp”
  2. Product Highlights: Introduce new products or highlight features that set your product apart from common mistakes or misconceptions in the market. Use the Yoüverlay to point out the benefits of your product compared to common issues with others. For example, if selling eco-friendly products, point out common non-eco-friendly practices your product avoids. Caption: “Stop settling for less! Our products promise not only quality but sustainability. #EcoFriendlyLiving #Innovate”
  3. Personal Stories or Testimonials: Share personal stories or testimonials that resonate with the ‘stop doing this’ theme. Use the Yoüverlay in a story format, where you point out common pitfalls you or your clients overcame. Overlay text or animations to highlight these points. Caption: “We’ve all been there, making mistakes and learning. Here’s my journey of #Growth and how I stopped making these common errors. #LifeLessons”

Website Content

  1. Home Page: Use the ‘Stop doing this’ Yoüverlay as part of a hero image or banner, with clickable points that lead to different sections of your website. For example, each point you’re indicating could be a common misconception your brand aims to correct. “Welcome to [Your Brand]! Discover how we’re changing the game. Click on any point to learn more!”
  2. Sales Page: Incorporate the Yoüverlay to highlight the unique selling points (USPs) of your product or service, contrasting them with common issues in the market. Use graphical elements like arrows or icons to draw attention to these USPs. “Tired of the same old? Here’s why [Product/Service] is a game-changer. Stop settling for less!”
  3. Product Page: Use the Yoüverlay to draw attention to the benefits of your product, especially how it addresses common problems. This could be part of an interactive feature where hovering over or clicking on different points reveals more information. “Why choose [Product]? Stop these common issues in their tracks!”
  4. About Us Page: Highlight your brand’s mission and values, using the Yoüverlay to point out the key areas where your brand makes a difference. “Our Story: How we’re making a difference by stopping [common problem] and championing [solution].”
  • Blog Posts: Start a blog post with the ‘Stop doing this’ Yoüverlay to introduce a problem or misconception your post will address. Use the Yoüverlay as a visual hook to engage readers right from the start. “5 Things You’re Doing Wrong in [Niche] and How to Fix Them. Let’s dive in!”

By creatively integrating the ‘Stop doing this’ Yoüverlay with text overlays or graphical elements, you can effectively communicate your brand’s personality and values, engage your audience, and highlight your products or services across Instagram and your website.

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