Yoüverlay #86

Presenting to the side


About the 'Presenting to the side' Yoüverlay

In this Yoüverlay, you're using an outstretched hand to indicate towards something to the side of you. You can change it up by adopting a different stance: standing statically, or gesturing emphatically.


How to use this Yoüverlay in your marketing graphics


The ‘Presenting to the side’ Yoüverlay is a dynamic and versatile gesture that can significantly enhance personal branding, especially for content creators. 
This Yoüverlay can be creatively integrated into various digital platforms like Instagram and websites, including home pages, sales pages, product pages, about us pages, or blog posts. Here’s how to use this Yoüverlay effectively across these mediums:

Instagram Posts

  1. Product Highlight: Use the Yoüverlay to direct attention towards a new product or feature. Place the product image or a graphical element to the side where you’re pointing. Caption could be, “Just dropped! 🌟 Can’t keep my hands off this beauty. Swipe left to see why I’m obsessed! #NewArrival #MustHave”
  2. Educational Content: For a post that educates your audience, use the Yoüverlay to point towards text bubbles or infographics placed beside you. “Did you know? 💡 Swipe left to uncover the facts that will change the way you think about [topic]. #LearnWithMe #FactsOnly”
  3. Engagement Post: Point towards a question or a poll on the side, encouraging followers to engage. “What’s your take? 🤔 Pointing towards the big question of the day! Check out my stories to vote! #YourOpinionMatters #PollTime”

Website Integration

  1. Home Page: Use the ‘Presenting to the side’ Yoüverlay to welcome visitors and direct their attention towards a highlighted feature or announcement. For instance, next to the Yoüverlay, include a text overlay or button that says, “Discover Our Story” or “Latest Collection Here”. This creates a direct pathway for visitors to follow, enhancing user experience.
  2. Sales Page: Here, the Yoüverlay can be used to draw attention to testimonials or special offers. Place quotes from satisfied customers or details of the offer where you’re pointing. This can help validate the sales pitch and encourage conversions.
  3. Product Page: Similar to Instagram, use the Yoüverlay to highlight specific features or benefits of the product. You could be pointing towards icons or short text descriptions that encapsulate the product’s value proposition, such as “Eco-Friendly” or “Tech-Advanced”.
  4. About Us Page: This Yoüverlay can introduce the team or the brand’s mission. Pointing towards images of team members or key mission statements can create a personal connection and build trust.
  5. Blog Post: In blog posts, use the Yoüverlay to draw attention to key points, quotes, or data. This can break up the text and make the content more engaging and easier to navigate.

For all these uses, ensure the graphical elements or text overlays you’re interacting with are clear and visually appealing.

The goal is to make the content engaging and easy to follow, enhancing the user’s experience and reinforcing the brand’s personality.

Relevant hashtags for Instagram could include #BehindTheScenes, #HowItsMade, #MeetTheMaker, #EduContent, #BrandStory, depending on the context of the post. Tailoring the hashtags to fit the specific content and brand personality is crucial for reaching the right audience.

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