Gesture Groups
All Approving Asking or reaching out Being secretive Browsing online Celebrating success Cheekiness Communicating Confusion or uncertainty Consistency Counting Disapproving Drawing attention Exhaustion Feeling impressed Frustration or anger Greetings Hand signals Happiness Hero poses Hope and optimism Love Making a choice Money and finance Musical or rhythmic Observing or listening Peacefulness Reactions Sad emotions Sarcasm Shocked or surprised Showing confidence Showing strength Showing support Silliness Taking action Thinking Understanding Using props Using technology Working
Just stop
Me, my face and I
No money left
I just keep trying
But how??
No, shoo, go away!
I refuse!
Silly dancing
That again? Boring!
The transition fail
Holding an imaginary object
This is me!
Taking a selfie
Pointing up
Heart eyes + ❤️❤️ props
Crying + 💧💧 props
Stop doing this
Enthusiastic yup
I can’t believe I didn’t know that!