Yoüverlay #45


In this Yoüverlay you are placing your hand on your ear and moving your head towards the viewer with a frown as if you can’t hear them and are listening harder. 👂✋

Change the tone by adding a shrug or looking frustrated. 🤷😠

How to use this Yoüverlay in your marketing graphics

On Instagram, the ‘I can’t hear you’ pose can be creatively used to engage followers by overlaying text such as “Speak Up!” or “What did you say?” in bold, playful fonts using Canva. This can be paired with captions like “Sometimes you just have to listen harder! #CandidMoments #SpeakUp #ContentCreatorLife” to resonate with a candid and direct brand personality.

On a website’s home page, this pose can be used with a text overlay like “We Hear You” to immediately connect with visitors, emphasizing the brand’s commitment to listening and engaging with its audience.

For a sales page, the image can be accompanied by a call-to-action such as “Tell Us What You Need” to encourage potential customers to reach out with their needs or questions, reinforcing a structured and exacting brand vibe.

On a product page, the pose can highlight customer feedback sections with a text overlay like “Your Voice Matters” to show that the brand values honest and frank reviews.

For an ‘about us’ page, the image can be used to convey the brand’s approachable and encouraging nature, with a caption like “We’re All Ears” to invite visitors to learn more about the team.

In a blog post, the pose can be used to introduce topics related to communication or customer feedback, with a text overlay such as “Let’s Talk” and a caption like “We value your input! #HonestConversations #CustomerFeedback”.

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